Sunday, July 20, 2008

Inquiry Based Learning Tools

WebQuests, Web Bits, and Web Inquiry Projects are all inquiry based learning tools that allow students to use higher level thinking skills to complete a task in one of the content areas. They involve students using the Internet to gather facts and information about a topic.
WebQuests are when some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet, sometimes supplemented with video conferencing. Web Bits are short learning activities in which students use the Internet for gathering information. They require a variety of different responses and higher levels of thinking. Web Inquiry Projects also use technology to help promote student learning. Web Inquiry Projects involve students scaffolding their inquiries and require a hook, questions, procdures, data investigation, analysis, and findings.
I think all three of these inquiry based learning tools are great alternatives to regular pen and paper research reports and projects. They get students involved and can really show what a student knows. I also love the fact that they are inquiry based and require the use of higher level thinking skills. I've noticed in the past that my students only use basic level thinking skills and are often times challenged when asked to use these higher level thinking skills. And I love the fact that you can use them with any subject or content area.
I can definetly see myself using these IPM and SIM tools to add inquiry based learning into my classroom. I could use a Web Bit to further discuss a country we are learning about in Social Studies or I could have students perform a webquest about a famous author that we studied during an author study.

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